Housing: A look at the situation under the last Conservative government, followed by Labour commitments contained in the Manifesto for the East of England.
No homes built under flagship Tory Housing pledge.
In their 2015 Manifesto the Tories commitment to build 200,000 starter homes for first-time buyers at a 20% discount. Their plans did not get off the ground.
The National Audit Office found that £2 billion that was allocated to the project had, instead, been used to acquire and prepare brown field sites 'for housing more generally, some of which was affordable housing.'
No houses have been sold through the promised discount scheme.
The Conservative Party have not invested in housing and preside over a National Housing Crisis
Housing Crisis in Essex
Not Enough Houses!
The National Housing Federation estimates 38,000 homes need to be built per year up to 2020 to meet demand in the region.
A total of 15,000 homes were built from 2011-15, creating a shortfall of 11,000.
The charity Shelter says emphasis needs to be on building...
Almost 2,000 homes across south Essex are unoccupied, despite widespread concern over a housing crisis.
Figures obtained by the Echo revealed there are 1,950 empty homes across Basildon, Castle Point and Southend, sparking disbelief among residents.
Of those homes, it is estimated more than half have been empty for more than six months, the official definition for “long-term” emptiness.